
Blog #5

                            The woman I decided to blog about for this post is a woman who has been inspiring me since I was in middle school. This woman provided that anyone can make it out of their neighborhood when you put your mind to it and go for what you want. The woman of the topic is Mrs. Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama has always inspired me because of the way she carried herself and the way she supported her husband during his presidential terms. As a first lady, she made a name for herself and did not fall into her husband's shadow. After watching her movie on Netflix called "Becoming" it made me read her book and understand her and her passion more. Recently, Michelle Obama has been visiting schools to listen to young girl's stories and provide advice for them. According to White House (2020),       " In 2015, Mrs. Obama joined President Obama to launch Let Girls Learn, a U.S. government-wide initiative to help girls around the world go to school and

Blog #4

Today's blog is going to be about the video "Women and the World of Work". This video was published by the International Labour Organization, and it's promoting International Women's Day. First, the video addressed how the 4th World Conference on women created a roadmap to make sure women are achieving gender equality and being empowered in the workforce. I think the goal of the roadmap is very important in today's society because it has paved the way for how women should have equity in the careers they want to pursue. Personally, I did not know that there was a roadmap created to promote gender equality. I think without this roadmap, we would not be where we are at today in the workforce. In some blue-collar companies, men are still dominant and treat women less than, but women today are standing up for themselves to make sure they're equal to their fellow male colleagues.  According to the video, only half of the women in the world are working. To me, th

Blog #3

This blog post is about to be real and raw so everyone beware.  Growing up in a single mother household as an only child I learned a lot about women's beauty and body. My mother has always taught me to embrace my body and beauty because no one else looks like me but me. I was taught to have confidence in every step I take and everything I do. Being around other family members, I received a lot of backlash about my weight. I have always been a "thicker" girl. When you start to gain weight in a black family, your family members are quick to point it out. With the negative backlash about my weight growing up, my mom has always told me to remain positive and ignore the people who talk down on me. When it comes to food, nutrition, and exercise my mom always provided me healthy food choices and taught me how to eat properly. African American families often have a stigma of having unhealthy eating habits and consuming a lot of fried foods. My mom always made sure there were at l

Blog #2

                                                  Becoming a parent in the future is one of the things I hope to have the opportunity to do. Growing up, I had an amazing example of parents and I aspire to have their parenting style for my future children. So having a pre-teen is a big deal, especially when it comes to serious talks. "The talk" is one of the main conversations I want to have with my children. I want it to be their father and me, in our home, with open arms about everything. The reason why I want to have the talk with my pre-teen so they understand the differences from facts and myths about sex and also to make sure they aren't learning things from their friends and/or social media. By having this conversation with my pre-teen, I want to make sure they initially know that they can ask or tell me anything regarding sex. As a parent, I think it's important to lay out all the good and bad things about sex. According to the Centers for Disease Control and P

Blog #1

After reading "We've Come a Long Way Baby," but We've Still Got Miles To Go" I learned more facts than what I've learned in the past. This PowerPoint provided a summary of woman's rights around the world and how they have progressed as years went on. The first thing that stood out to me was "9 out of 10 Sudanese women must undergo torture known as genital mutilation". So my first thought is why are women going through this genital mutilation when sperm, from males, is used to fertilize a woman's egg. As stated in the fact this is torture and inhumane for women even though it is considered a form of birth control. The second fact that surprised me was "HIV, Pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death and disability for women ages 15-49 in most developing countries." Considering that our bodies are made to endure pregnancy and childbirth, the healthcare for those two things should be progressing has technology is improvi