Blog #4

Three Intentions to Set on This Year's 99th Women's Equality Day | BeLatinaToday's blog is going to be about the video "Women and the World of Work". This video was published by the International Labour Organization, and it's promoting International Women's Day. First, the video addressed how the 4th World Conference on women created a roadmap to make sure women are achieving gender equality and being empowered in the workforce. I think the goal of the roadmap is very important in today's society because it has paved the way for how women should have equity in the careers they want to pursue. Personally, I did not know that there was a roadmap created to promote gender equality. I think without this roadmap, we would not be where we are at today in the workforce. In some blue-collar companies, men are still dominant and treat women less than, but women today are standing up for themselves to make sure they're equal to their fellow male colleagues. 
According to the video, only half of the women in the world are working. To me, that number is fairly low, but some women may still want to be an at-home wife or they're trying to figure out what career is best for them and earning money. But the women who are working have a good work-life balance and are working to provide for their family. I think if women reduced the at-home care they do, meaning split the time with their husbands, women can be more successful in finding a job, especially in their desired career choice. 
One thing that stood out to me was the low amount of younger people working. I feel like I work with nothing but people younger than me! Even though this video is from 2015, I think a lot more younger people are motivated to get a job and make there own money. One thing I'm definitely relieved about is the gender pay gap decreasing, although it will take 70 years to close the gap as a whole. As a woman with a degree (almost), I want to be making the same as my male colleagues with a degree too! 
I think overall, women are doing a great job on closing the equality gap but we still have to do more to have our voices heard. 

International Labour Organization. (2015, March 09). Women and the World of Work. 


  1. Kennedi,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I also chose to do the video about the workplace experiences for women. I felt that it was something I could relate to. I am slo very happy about them continuing to work on the pay gap even if it will not benefit me. However, the thing that bothered me the most about the video was when they started talking about abuse in the workplace. This is a conversation that I think needs to be had more often because there are multiple cases of workplace violence that are never reported. Women deal with enough problems and I do not think this should be an additional one.

  2. Hi,

    Great blog. I can relate to this video. It is surprising that only half of the women in this world are working. I feel like when i comes to the work world with women and men. we are treated unfairly across the board. When are highly educated and diversity to do all things. Bridging the pay gap is awesome and needed for women because we are underpaid and overworked


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