
Showing posts from June, 2020

Blog #2

                                                  Becoming a parent in the future is one of the things I hope to have the opportunity to do. Growing up, I had an amazing example of parents and I aspire to have their parenting style for my future children. So having a pre-teen is a big deal, especially when it comes to serious talks. "The talk" is one of the main conversations I want to have with my children. I want it to be their father and me, in our home, with open arms about everything. The reason why I want to have the talk with my pre-teen so they understand the differences from facts and myths about sex and also to make sure they aren't learning things from their friends and/or social media. By having this conversation with my pre-teen, I want to make sure they initially know that they can ask or tell me anything regarding sex. As a parent, I think it's important to lay out all the good and bad things about sex. According to the Centers for Disease Control and P

Blog #1

After reading "We've Come a Long Way Baby," but We've Still Got Miles To Go" I learned more facts than what I've learned in the past. This PowerPoint provided a summary of woman's rights around the world and how they have progressed as years went on. The first thing that stood out to me was "9 out of 10 Sudanese women must undergo torture known as genital mutilation". So my first thought is why are women going through this genital mutilation when sperm, from males, is used to fertilize a woman's egg. As stated in the fact this is torture and inhumane for women even though it is considered a form of birth control. The second fact that surprised me was "HIV, Pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death and disability for women ages 15-49 in most developing countries." Considering that our bodies are made to endure pregnancy and childbirth, the healthcare for those two things should be progressing has technology is improvi